Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Tomato and Herb Pasta Sauce

I was supposed to have a guest contribution this week from a friend of mine who cooked lunch for the both of us, using as much Sainsbury's Basics ingredients as he could bear himself to use, but unfortunately he has yet to submit it to me. He did leave behind a fair amount of leftovers though, and curiously, a new item. I've wanted to review the Tomato & Herb sauce as it was the only other tomato-based pasta sauce in the Sainsbury's Basics range, but saw little need to do so, as I felt that its relative high cost compared to the one found in jars would preclude the university students in my target audience. When he left behind a tub of the fresh sauce though, curiosity got the better of me.

The tomato content of this is much better compared to the jarred variety, at 15% (8% tomatoes + 7% tomato puree), but is still pretty little compared to the regular tubs, at 57%, with Italian tomatoes to boot. If you're not too fussy about this though, it would make a better-tasting alternative to the jarred Basics pasta sauce.

I whipped up some seafood spaghetti using the leftover ingredients he left behind and my stash of Sainsbury's Basics frozen prawns, topping the whole lot off with Basics Grated Hard Cheese. It was pretty satisfying, the taste reminding me of a tomato-based seafood soup that I had at a certain pizza restaurant found back home. If you're cooking for many, it might be a good idea to buy this and blend it together with fresh tomatoes in order to save on pasta sauce, as well as time. The alternative would be to make your own pasta sauce but that takes longer to prepare.

DescriptionPrice per UnitNo. of servingsTrade-up PremiumTrade-up Benefits
Tomato and Herb Sauce£1.29500g+£0.21 for 350gMore variety, higher tomato content.

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